Can scents cause health problems?

In most workplaces there are employees who react to fragrances. Employees who like to wear perfume may not realize that they are triggering headaches, wheezing or allergic reactions in fellow Employees.

I worked with a lady for years to find out that everytime I came into the office, I made her ill.  One day she came into my office and asked if I wore a certain type of cologne.  I was horrified to learn that this cologne actually made her ill.   Funny thing is… I thought she didn’t like me and was snubbing me.   Never wore that cologne since.

When scented products have been blamed for adversely affecting a person’s health, some or all of the following symptoms are reported:

dizziness, lightheadedness
loss of appetite
upper respiratory symptoms
shortness of breath
difficulty with concentration
skin irritation
Allergic and asthmatic patients, as well as those with other conditions, report that certain odours, even in the smallest amounts, can trigger an attack.

The severity of these symptoms can vary. Some people report mild irritation while others are incapacitated and/or must give up many ‘normal’ activities in order to avoid exposure (such as going to public places).

What types of products contain scents?

Scents are included in a very large range of products including:

Shampoos and conditioners
colognes & aftershaves
fragrances & perfumes
lotions & creams
industrial and household chemicals
air fresheners & deodorizers
some types of garbage bags
It is important to remember some products which claim to be ‘scent free’ may have only masked the scent by use of an additional chemical. Be sure to research the product carefully if using scented products around those who are sensitive.

What has to be done?

The legislation requires that the Employer protect all employees, customers, and visitors within the workplace from any and all hazards within the workplace.  Employers can’t wait until there is a “complaint” or an unexpected medical event arises.

They must act proactively to implement measures to reduce or eliminate fragrances and scents within the workplace.

This starts with exploring all current products used for cleaning, hand soaps, production, etc and looking for scent free alternatives.    The next step is to eliminate the usage of any scented personal products within the workplace such as hand creams, hair sprays, lip balms, body spray, etc.

Selected Employees may be asked to wear a lighter scent or less of it. Some may be asked to consider not wearing that style of fragrance.

In workplaces where fragrances and scents are known or suspected to adversely affect any person within the workplace, the Employer is required to implement a Fragrance-Scent Free Policy that restricts any usage of scented products.  In these cases, Employees aren’t allowed to use scented deodourants, shampoos, conditioners, colognes or perfumes.

10 thoughts on “Can scents cause health problems?

  1. True talk Alex. Currently working with a lady who wears a rather pungnant perfume. Stylishly told her once and she replied “I like it that way”. I went ahead to tell her that it gave her a choky aura. Eventually, she changed the perfume to a, should I say, pungnant but less choky one. Thankful for that.

  2. Soo its an interesting article. Hits the nail on the head. People actually over-indulge in scents and the effects are usually disastrous. However in my opinion, its almost impossible to ask pple to go scent free.
    If there existed a “scento-meter” perhaps, that would be better. Control the amount as against going totally scent free. 🙂

  3. You can’t expect to stop an individual from wearing his/her cologn. The problem is how it’s worn. People actually go overboard when applying theirs. I read a book once titled “how to be a gentle Man” and it said your cologn shouldn’t be perceived from MILES away..but for naija if your pef. doesn’t turn heads as soon as u enter room u neva start. I’m guilty of that too. As Fela said “I no be gentle man at all”. Anyways as with everything else, Moderation is Key.

  4. I fink its important all the same. An employer will be in a difficult postion to decide what Cologne or what shouldn’t be used cos an employee will only buy for himself that which suits him…the kind off job determine the level of use of a Cologne in a working environment…eg working in an oil rig and working in a bank… A way to solve this could be test for alleges during 1s pre employment med exam…so as to no if he will be suitable for that enviroment

  5. Some people believe that if it is not HIV or Cancer, it is not an important health issue. But what they don’t know is that trivial things like this accumulate and become detrimental to ones health, if not immediately, overtime. Employees need to start speaking up when they foresee a health or safety hazard in their work places and also employers need to make the safety of their employees paramount.

    • Nice one Alex. It just reminded me of my first year on campus in a tiny room of 5 serving as our bedroom, visitors room,dinning… with additional 6 persons squatting. I stepped out every morning wit a funny mix of all d body/ hair spray of my lovely roommates alongside d smell of noodles, stew prepared in dsm room. OMG! We survived but cant tell the impact dt wld ve had on us. This isnt trivial at all cos what u dont know might just be killing u. I read in a xtain bulletin earlier tdy d story of a baby in d hospital wt jaundice and was given a few days to live. As d days rolled by her condition worsened. Of course d parents were taking the case up wt God. The mum related in d bulletin : ” one morning d cleaner came in to clean as usual and I asked to know d cleansing agent she s bn using. I wasnt comfortable with d scent so I asked her to stop. By d end of dt day my baby had started to pick up, few days later she was back to her normal life” And she ended, saying ‘Glory to God’. I think i m gonna add “…for helping me distrupt d life draining scent.

  6. Nice one Alex. It just reminded me of my first year on campus in a tiny room of 5 serving as our bedroom, visitors room,dinning… with additional 6 persons squatting. I stepped out every morning wit a funny mix of all d body/ hair spray of my lovely roommates alongside d smell of noodles, stew prepared in dsm room. OMG! We survived but cant tell the impact dt wld ve had on us. This isnt trivial at all cos what u dont know might just be killing u. I read in a xtain bulletin earlier tdy d story of a baby in d hospital wt jaundice and was given a few days to live. As d days rolled by her condition worsened. Of course d parents were taking the case up wt God. The mum related in d bulletin : ” one morning d cleaner came in to clean as usual and I asked to know d cleansing agent she s bn using. I wasnt comfortable with d scent so I asked her to stop. By d end of dt day my baby had started to pick up, few days later she was back to her normal life” And she ended, saying ‘Glory to God’. I think i m gonna add “…for helping me distrupt d life draining scent”.

  7. Though sweet scents tend to increase the attractiveness of the user, Scents have something to do with human psychology. A scent joyfully used by someone might be extremely irritating to someone else and can exert fatal reaction in some people suffering from health conditions like Asthma.
    If scents must be used by someone going to public places, I will advice a light scent with moderate use. Kudos to the writer, a nice write up its.

  8. Though sweet scents tend to increase the attractiveness of the user, Scents have something to do with human psychology. A scent joyfully used by someone might be extremely irritating to someone else and can also exert fatal reaction in some people suffering from health conditions like Asthma.
    If scent must be used by someone going to public places, I will advice a light scent with moderate use. Kudos to the writer, a nice write-up its.

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