Safety Attitudes

Whatever your job is, working safely depends on your attitude.  This also extends to your everyday life outside of work. Remember “Safety is a life event, not just a work event”

While talent is important and knowledge essential, a “Safety Attitude” can make your job or task more rewarding.   After all isn’t going home at the end of your shift, or being there for your family important enough reason!

Here are six elements of a “Safe Working Attitude”

1. Knowledge is very important- the more the better.  Knowledge can be gained from people, training and experience.

2. Commitment to your family.  Don’t do safety because you have to.  Do it for your family.

3. Consideration for others, to help them to do their job, and by not putting them at risk.

4. Take ownership.  Safety starts with you!  Own it, live it.

5. Lead by example.  Regardless of your job title, you’d be surprised about the number of people you can influence. 

6. Communicate safety.  Would you stop a co-worker doing something unsafe?  A stranger on the street?

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